How to Easily Construct Breeze Block Raised Beds

breeze block raised garden beds

Breeze Blocks For Gardening Creating a beautiful and functional garden is a dream for many homeowners. One way to achieve this is by constructing raised beds, which not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your garden but also provide a convenient and efficient way to grow plants. While there are various materials available for building […]

How To Grow Basil In A Pot On Your Patio

How to grow basil in a pot

Growing basil in a pot on your patio can be a fun and rewarding gardening experience. Not only is basil a delicious herb to use in cooking, but it is also easy to care for and maintain. However, to grow healthy and productive basil plants, you need to provide the right growing conditions. In this post, we’ll cover some essential tips for growing basil in a pot, including choosing the right pot size and depth, selecting the best soil mix, ensuring your basil plant gets enough sunlight, fertilizing your basil plant, pruning your basil plant, and protecting it from common pests. By following these tips, you can successfully grow a healthy and delicious basil plant in a pot on your patio.

The best galvanized steel raised garden beds for backyards

best galvanized steel garden beds

Galvanized steel raised beds let anyone that loves gardening use their space more efficiently and garden easier with fewer pests than traditional in-ground gardening. ga If you are doing urban gardening, raised beds let you pack more garden into a smaller place and gives you the option to build up your soil instead of working […]

Essential Plastic Patio Gardening Tools

plastic garden tools for small gardens

Plastic garden tools are great for small space gardeners that don’t need the bulk and heft of metal gardening tools. Here are my best suggestions as to what to buy.

Guide to growing lettuce in containers

Growing lettuce is containers is a common practice fur urban gardeners. This practice maximizes, gives better control from pests and at the same time gives access to a whole host of varieties that you will never find in you local grocery store. A cool weather crop, lettuce is one of the first plants you can […]

The correct depth of containers for growing herbs

picking the right depth of containers for growing herbs

Growing Herbs in Containers and Beds Most herbs are relatively shallow rooted and can be grown in most pots, containers or raised beds. The key element for growing herbs is providing a balance between enough soil to hold moisture while at the same time providing enough drainage for the plants to not suffer from root […]

Growing tomatoes in fabric pots

Growing tomatoes in containers

Why you should grow tomatoes in fabric pots For urban gardeners, space is always a concern. Growing tomatoes in fabric pots is one way to maximize your growing area. Regardless of whether you have a whole garden to work with or just a small balcony, I highly suggest giving this method for growing tomatoes a […]

The Perfect Pot Size For Tomatoes

Selection of containers for gardening

Tomatoes are a popular urban gardening choice, but in with limited space, the question becomes what pot size for tomatoes works best?