Apartment gardening tips for a beginner

apartment gardening tips

You are thinking of starting a garden but you are living in an apartment, where do you start? There is lots of information on how to start a garden in an apartment or build a balcony garden, but we wanted to share a few extra apartment gardening tips that will ensure that you have a […]

Gardening in an apartment without a balcony

indoor gardening

Vegetable gardening in the city when you have a lot to work with can be a challenge. If all you have is an apartment patio or balcony, gardening can be even trickier. What if though you have an apartment with no balcony or patio. Gardening in an apartment with no balcony or patio can be […]

Essential Plastic Patio Gardening Tools

plastic garden tools for small gardens

Plastic garden tools are great for small space gardeners that don’t need the bulk and heft of metal gardening tools. Here are my best suggestions as to what to buy.

Guide to growing lettuce in containers

Growing lettuce is containers is a common practice fur urban gardeners. This practice maximizes, gives better control from pests and at the same time gives access to a whole host of varieties that you will never find in you local grocery store. A cool weather crop, lettuce is one of the first plants you can […]

The correct depth of containers for growing herbs

picking the right depth of containers for growing herbs

Growing Herbs in Containers and Beds Most herbs are relatively shallow rooted and can be grown in most pots, containers or raised beds. The key element for growing herbs is providing a balance between enough soil to hold moisture while at the same time providing enough drainage for the plants to not suffer from root […]

Growing tomatoes in fabric pots

Growing tomatoes in containers

Why you should grow tomatoes in fabric pots For urban gardeners, space is always a concern. Growing tomatoes in fabric pots is one way to maximize your growing area. Regardless of whether you have a whole garden to work with or just a small balcony, I highly suggest giving this method for growing tomatoes a […]

7 Awesome pea trellis ideas

green peas

7 types of trellises that you can use for supporting your climbing peas. Ranging from simple to complex, there are ideas for every gardener here.

Building a balcony vegetable garden

Balcony vegetable gardening ideas

Starting a balcony vegetable garden You live in an apartment and want to garden. Likely your only option is to build a balcony vegetable garden. Gardening in the confines of an apartment balcony has some significant differences from gardening in a space where you have a yard. In this article I will cover all the […]

Jindy’s Balcony Garden Video Tour

Tour of Jindy's balcony garden

In this gardening video, Jindy takes us on a tour of her balcony garden and shows off some examples of what she is growing in a very limited amount of space. This is a great example of the kind of things you can do with smart container gardening even in a small amount of room.